Source code for metasim.cfg.objects

"""Configuration classes for various types of objects used in the simulation.

Configurations include the object name, source file, geometries (scaling, radius, etc.),
and physics (mass, density, etc.).

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from dataclasses import MISSING

from metasim.constants import PhysicStateType
from metasim.utils import configclass

[docs] @configclass class BaseObjMetaCfg: """Base class for object metacfg.""" name: str = MISSING """Object name""" fix_base_link: bool = False """Whether to fix the base link of the object, default is False""" scale: float = 1.0 """Object scaling (in scalar) for the object, default is 1.0"""
# File-based object
[docs] @configclass class RigidObjMetaCfg(BaseObjMetaCfg): """Rigid object metacfg. The file source should be specified, from a USD, URDF, MJCF, or mesh file, with the path specified by the members below. Attributes: usd_path: Path to the USD file urdf_path: Path to the URDF file mjcf_path: Path to the MJCF file mesh_path: Path to the Mesh file physics: Specify the physics APIs applied on the object """ usd_path: str | None = None urdf_path: str | None = None mjcf_path: str | None = None mesh_path: str | None = None physics: PhysicStateType = MISSING
[docs] @configclass class NonConvexRigidObjMetaCfg(RigidObjMetaCfg): """Non-convex rigid object class.""" mesh_pose: list[float] = MISSING
[docs] @configclass class ArticulationObjMetaCfg(BaseObjMetaCfg): """Articulation object metacfg.""" usd_path: str | None = None urdf_path: str | None = None mjcf_path: str | None = None
# Primitive object are all rigid objects
[docs] @configclass class PrimitiveCubeMetaCfg(RigidObjMetaCfg): """Primitive cube object metacfg. This class specifies configuration parameters of a primitive cube. Attributes: mass: Mass of the object, in kg, default is 0.1 color: Color of the object in RGB size: Size of the object, extent in m """ mass: float = 0.1 color: list[float] = MISSING size: list[float] = MISSING physics: PhysicStateType = MISSING mjcf_path: str | None = None # TODO: remove this field @property def half_size(self) -> list[float]: """Half of the extend, for SAPIEN usage.""" return [size / 2 for size in self.size] @property def density(self) -> float: """Object density, for SAPIEN usage.""" return self.mass / (self.size[0] * self.size[1] * self.size[2])
[docs] @configclass class PrimitiveSphereMetaCfg(RigidObjMetaCfg): """Primitive sphere object metacfg.""" mass: float = 0.1 color: list[float] = MISSING radius: float = MISSING physics: PhysicStateType = MISSING @property def density(self) -> float: """For SAPIEN usage.""" return self.mass / (4 / 3 * math.pi * self.radius**3)
[docs] @configclass class PrimitiveCylinderMetaCfg(RigidObjMetaCfg): """Primitive cylinder object metacfg.""" mass: float = 0.1 color: list[float] = MISSING radius: float = MISSING height: float = MISSING physics: PhysicStateType = MISSING @property def density(self) -> float: """For SAPIEN usage.""" return self.mass / (math.pi * self.radius**2 * self.height)