# From RoboSuite ## Asset convert from mjcf ### 1. Find anf pre-process mjcf for Arena, object - For Arena: No changes - For Single Object: Delete the **<\body>** label between **<\world_body>** and **<\object>** - For Articulated Object: ### 2. Convert mjcf to usd ``` python scripts/convert_mjcf.py \ data_isaaclab/robosuite/objects/square-nut-delete-body.xml \ tmp/nut_assembly/square_nut/square_nut.usd --import-sites --make-instanceable ``` ### 3. Post-process USD **Note that every RigidBody in sim need** 1. CoACD mesh Processing 1. Set default prim for each usd and add rigid body with collision reset ``` pip install coacd ``` ``` python scripts/coacd_preprocess.py \ -i tmp/nut_assembly/square_nut/square_nut_object.obj \ -o tmp/nut_assembly/square_nut/square_nut_coacd.obj ``` - For Arena except table: Decouple USD into serveral USD - For Table: Find the size from task definition in the robosuite - For Object: export mesh (maybe using blender) and then coacd ### 4.Troubleshooting - The transformation from Blender maybe different with original USD