Cross Embodiment#

For parallel gripper on tabletop manipulation, you can specify different robot for the same task. For example, you can specify iiwa for StackCube task.

python metasim/scripts/ --sim=isaaclab --task=StackCube --num_envs=4 --robot=iiwa

Retarget between Robots#

We provide src/scripts/ to retarget trajectories from one source robot to one or multiple target robots.


You need to go over:

  • [Get Started / Installation / cuRobo Installation] for cuRobo

  • Review Data format v2 for the data format

  • Make sure that the following items are carefully set in the robots’ meta configs:

    • gripper_release_q / gripper_actuate_q: A list specifying the gripper’s joint positions when it releases / grasps the object

    • curobo_ref_cfg_name: cuRobo config file for the robot

    • curobo_tcp_rel_pos / curobo_tcp_rel_rot: Relative transformation from the TCP frame to the EE frame

      • The “EE frame” here is the ee_link specified by the cuRobo config

class BaseRobotMetaCfg(ArticulationObjMetaCfg):
    # ...

    gripper_release_q: list[float] = MISSING
    gripper_actuate_q: list[float] = MISSING

    # cuRobo Configs
    curobo_ref_cfg_name: str = MISSING
    curobo_tcp_rel_pos: tuple[float, float, float] = MISSING
    curobo_tcp_rel_rot: tuple[float, float, float] = MISSING

Source Data and Configurations Preparation#

To perform cross-embodiment retarget, you need to get robot configurations for the source and all the target robots prepared. You also need a demo data (.pkl) that contains the trajectory.

The robot meta config should include the information about the Tool Center Point (TCP) frame: On which link’s frame is it defined, and the relative transformation. Ideally, if the TCP link is already defined, you can


python src/scripts/ --source_path data_isaaclab/source_data/maniskill2/rigid_body/PickCube-v0/trajectory-unified_v2.pkl --source_robot franka --target_robots iiwa franka_with_gripper_extension

The exported pickle file with contain the original demos as well as the retargetted demo for the target robots (see Data format v2):

    "franka": [  // robot name should be same as
        // Demo for Franka
        "actions": [ ... ],
        "init_state": { ... },
        "states": [ ... ]
        "extra": ...
	"iiwa": [
       ... // Demo for KUKA IIWA
	"ur10": [
       ... // Demo for UR10

By specifying --viz, the first retargetted trajectory will be visualized via plotly in your browser.